By | Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Leave a Comment
The SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) which aimed at demolishing the online freedom and spread of speech has fortunately been postponed on January 20, 2012 after US Government saw the biggest internet protest of the time. In the internet history many of the people fighting against SOPA, with over 115 thousands website alerting their webpages with STOP SOPA protest banners, Reddit and Wikipedia being the big protestors. When FBI shutdown the biggest sharing website called "MegaUpload", number of attacks were launched by Anonymous just after the 70 minutes on many biggest government sites such as The FBI, Justice Department, The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), Universal Music Group, The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and Broadcast Music, Inc.

What is SOPA

SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act is a bill proposed by United State House of representatives by Lamar Smith on October 26 2011. SOPA if passed will allow the private corporations to create their own personal list composed of websites if they feel are breaking their copyright policies. These companies will be able to contact their website payment processor to stop all the payment involvement with the targeted website this payment processor will have five days to act before it is taken off.

What is PIPA

PIPA - Protect IP Act was introduced To the United state. Senate on May 2011 by Senators Patrick Leahy. If PIPA is passed than the US corporation & the government will have the power to take legal action on any website that they see as enabling copyrights. They will also have the power to sue search engines, blog sites, directories. Companies will also have the power to sue any website, if they believe that they are not doing any copyright job. These bills if passed are sometimes good to the published who work hard & publish unique content but without copyright.

In simple words, These are two bills which were proposed by US parliament to attack on websites that have copyright content and goods. Great this sounds good, but anyone have noticed if this bills have passed than thousands of website owners which include such copyright content have been vanished completely with complete shut down of their servers. websites like Wikipedia & Google web services would have been attacked & stop indexing such sites and stop sending them traffic.

Effects of SOPA And PIPA on Bloggers

Guys by now you are well known to SOPA and PIPA what exactly does it mean. Wondering how will this affect, lots of thing will be change. lets see the effects of SOPA and PIPA on our bloggers.
  1. If these bill were passed, Investors would required additional returns on investment.
  2. If the government pass tough new rules allowing websites to be sued, the investors will not put their money in copy right content.
  3. It could sneak war between companies.
  4. There would be no Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. Mediafire, Drop box, Soundcloud etc that can be targeted as a place where online copyright could take place. Think about the internet without these sites?.
  5. Companies could try to peep out each other’s sites by posting illegal content in their comments and on their forums.
  6. Anti-abortion activists may write a copyright-violating comment on blog to shutdown the site.
  7. By DNS filtering the sites will open more security risks & will slow down the systems.
  8. Due to lack of resources It is very difficult to publish articles on its own.
  9. If this bills are passed than, Blogs that share Videos, Movie clips, Wallpapers, Ebook etc will be seriously affected, if they are linked to Megashare, Megaupload or Torrent.
  10. Bloggers can be sued & And their career in blogging can be destroyed.
  11. Even if the attribution is properly executed the bloogs & website could be shutdown for sharing copyright content.

Watch a live example

Let us know how strongly you respect copyrights of others and how much do you preach the message of honoring others hard work. Do you think SOPA and PIPA could ever be accepted? Share your reasons and highlight any point I would have missed sharing. Peace and blessings pals! :)
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